Study Package 2020/21


Study Package

Content of the Study Package

  1. Partizipation on VPS series with the title
    ”The Ethics of Psychoanalysis” with lecturers from the NLS

    Date 1: 12. and 13.03.2021
    Date 2: 28. and 29.05.2021
    Date 3: 25. and 26.06.2021

  2. Participation on the Study Days
    Study Day with Hervé Castanet
    20.11.2020 evening and
    21.11.2020 all day
    Study Day with Florencia Shanahan
    29.01.2021 evening and
    30.01.2021 all day

  3. Reduced
    For participation in the current seminars in Vienna, Linz, Graz and Wels, as well as for the two large seminars by Avi Rybnicki in autumn (Seminar 11. till 13.09.2020) and spring (Seminar 16. and 17.04.2021), a 20% discount will be given with the purchase of the study package, which will be taken into account directly in the accounts with the lecturers.

Purchase the Study Package

Here you can purchase the study package in the variant "regular" and in the variant "student". After your registration, we will send you an invoice by e-mail. As soon as the amount has been credited to our account, you will receive a confirmation of registration.

Our account at Raiffeisenbank is
"Verein Förderung Psychoanalyse"
IBAN: AT88 3468 0000 0302 9832

Price regular: € 650

Price student: € 400

Registration for single events

The purchase of the study package is not equivalent to registration: registration for the individual desired dates is necessary separately for each of these dates in order to know the actual number of participants in advance. Thank you for your understanding. Click here for the individual dates:

Date 1: 12. and 13.03.2021
Date 2: 28. and 29.05.2021
Date: 25. and 26.06.2021