! The Field Evening will take place online via zoom !
Freud summarizes in Beyond the Pleasure Principle: "Sex, then, would not be very old, and the violent impulses that want to bring about sexual union thereby repeat something that happened by chance once and has since been fixed as advantageous." Sex as a bipolar concept has ordered the world of the speaking being through several ages. Today it appears in fluid form that melts away. JAM in his text "Docile to Trans" speaks of a paradigm shift that describes the time spirit of today, a shift from "care" and "awareness" to the axiom of "separation" and he takes the "trans person" as a phenomenon of this shift. What does Trans interpret? What do we understand when we listen to this person, case by case? A transition? A transition towards a beyond, one beyond gender, one beyond the pleasure principle, or does this transition remain bound to the dichotomy of gender after all?
These and many other questions will be explored in this evening with contributions from a flush cartel on the question of trans.
Markus Zöchmeister
Register: lacanfeld@gmx.at