Field Evening
- Ana Jereb : La fin de l'analyse dans le contexte de l'École.
- Magda Sorger-Domenigg : Identifiez-vous! Mais avec quoi?
- Claudia Gundacker : Le groupe, l'initiative - effets.
Modération : Markus Zöchmeister
Soirée de champ
le 11 novembre à 20 heures
dans la salle impériale de la Galerie des Pianos
Faire l'école II
Cette soirée de champ a de nouveau pour titre "Faire école" et constitue la suite d'une réflexion entamée cette année sur ce qu'est et peut être travailler à l'école de Lacan.
Lacan a fondé l'école où chacun vient pour travailler et non pour recevoir passivement un savoir. Le travail dans cette école est communautaire, mais son dire est singulier et unique, de même que les productions de savoir qui nouent ce discours. Il y a une transfert qui ne s'adresse pas à une personne, mais au discours qui fait l'école.
Chacun est seul responsable de la place à partir de laquelle il ou elle parle et de la manière dont il ou elle entretient ce discours.
Lors de cette soirée de champ, nous entendrons des contributions de deux Cartels qui ont travaillé sur la question de savoir ce qu'est la vie d'une école lacanienne.
Markus Zöchmeister
Field Evening
Field Evening on July 22, 2022 at 20:00
in the Kaisersaal of the Piano Gallery.
Lacanian politics – the transformation of the Initiative Vienna; conversation about it with the bureau and Avi Rybnicki.
Our initiative is on the threshold of a transformation. Those who were present at the March 12, 2022 meeting with Daniel Roy, then vice president and now president of the NLS, expressed their desire to become an associated group of the New Lacanian School (NLS). This expression has consequences for the Vienna initiative, which we will discuss together this evening.
Norbert Leber and Markus Zöchmeister: report on the Assemblée Générale - NLS - General Meeting of 1.7.2022 in Lausanne
Messages from the Bureau and from Avi Rybnicki
Discussion on the transformation of the Vienna Initiative with the members of the office and Avi Rybnicki
Conclusion: Norbert Leber and Avi Rybnicki
Moderation: Christian Kohner-Kahler
Field Evening
Field evening on ZOOM on 10.06.2022 at 20:00
Seminar VII The Ethics of Psychoanalysis
Of the desire of Antigone and the place of the analyst
"Hence these two sides. Extinction or moderation of desire by the action of beauty, on which certain thinkers insist, St. Thomas, whom I quoted to you last time. And on the other side, this disruption of any object, which Kant's analysis insists on in the Critique of the Power of Judgment."[1]
Antigone's desire is a desire for the erasure of desire. Or in other words, in the beauty of the ideal the movement of life suffocates. And the other side is the crime, destruction or replacement, disruption of the object. By opposing a moral reading of Sophocles' play, Lacan brings it to light in its disturbing implications.
Mit-teilungen aus dem Büro
Contributions by:
Markus Zöchmeister: Antigone's Separation
Christiane Lamb: Empty space
Martin Seibt: Contribution from the Cartel to Seminar VII
Gerhard Reichsthaler: Contribution from the Cartel to Seminar VII
Moderation: Sylvia Altenbacher
[1] Jacques Lacan: The Ethics of Psychoanalysis. The Seminar, Book VII. Turia+Kant, p. 300
Field Evening
Field evening on 29.04. 2022, at 8 p.m.
online via Zoom
"La Femme N' Existe Pas" "Woman does not exist".
(Jacques Lacan)
The old order, which can be described as a regime of the father, whose backside Lacan formulates "in the eclipse of the feminine principle under the masculine ideal," is breaking down, which J.-A.- Miller deciphers "at least in part as the retreat of the masculine order under the feminine protest." The growing importance of the female does not correspond to the order of a new master. The Lacanian metaphor "The Woman does not exist", which was also the title of the WAP Congress 2022, means that there is no name that constitutes the set of all women.
This field evening will be designed by a cartel that has worked towards the WAP Congress and will now present the work from it. Each and every one of the Cartel has dealt in his or her own unique way with what has been driving the Freudian field towards the WAP Congress over the past two years.
Markus Zöchmeister
Field Evening
Field evening on 18.03. 2022, at 8 p.m.
Online via ZOOM
The Ethics of Psychoanalysis 2
Lacan says in Seminar VII, Chapter XVII The Function of the Good, that we make reality with pleasure. Thus he puts the whole weight of the question of ethics on practice in a double sense. On the one hand on the ethical dimension of action, thus also on the analytical act, and on the other hand on the creation, the creation ex nihilo. This evening is dedicated to the productions for Seminar VII from different cartels that are working in parallel to the three-part seminar of the VPS in this study year.
The tragedy of Antigone, to which the upcoming part of the VPS will be devoted (chapters XIX-XXI), her pious sacrilege, "reveals the aiming point that defines desire" (p. 298). The fascinating image of Antigone, her attraction feeds on Antigone's act, on her transgression of a limit that Lacan names with the function of the beauty.
Markus Zöchmeister
Contributions by:
Clémentine Benard: Courtly love or the woman who does not exist
Elisabeth Müllner: Tyranny of memory
Lightning by:
Miriam Zorn: The field of desire and its 'indelible essence'
Moderation: Claudia Gundacker
Register: here
Field Evening
Feldabend am 25. 02. 2022, um 20 Uhr
im Kaisersaal
KLAVIERgalerie, Kaiserstraße 10, Wien
Fragen der Schule
Der Analytiker autorisiert sich selbst.
Das bedeutet jedoch nicht, dass es nicht Bedingungen braucht, um einem solchen Akt die nötige Tragweite zu geben. Unter anderem ist es unabdingbare Notwendigkeit, in einen psychoanalytischen Diskurs eingebunden zu sein.
„Aber eben, ich bin Analytiker. Ich habe es, glaube ich, geschafft, Analytiker zu sein, nachdem ich viele Jahre lang ein Lehrer war, der sich zudem selbst analysierte: Irgendwann hat sich das umgekehrt (…) Dieses winzige psychische Phänomen zu interpretieren, versetzt mich von vornherein vor Ihnen in die Position eines Analysanten. (…) Beide Qualitäten finden sich bei Freud, der eine Art Januskopf war, Analytiker und Analysant zugleich. Die Stütze seiner doppelten Aufgabe als Analytiker und Analysant war natürlich die enge Beziehung zu seinem Freund Fließ (…) dem er sich anvertraute“[1].
Gerhard Reichsthaler
· Zeugnisse über unser Treffen mit Alexandre Stevens, Daniel Roy und Avi Rybnicki in Brüssel
Norbert Leber, Markus Zöchmeister, Elisabeth Müllner, Sarah Birgani, Gerhard Reichsthaler, Karin Brunner
· Die Autorisierung des Analytikers
Ausgewählte Passagen aus dem Text:
J.A. Miller, Introduccion a las Paradojas des Pase (dt.: Einführung in die Paradoxien der Passe) – dieser Text wird in Kürze zugesendet
[1] J.A. Miller at the Coliseum, Conference given in Buenos Aires, 26. April 2008, Psychoanalytical Notebook Issue 23, p.10, [aus dem Englischen Gerhard Reichsthaler
Field Evening
Field Evening on the 28th of January. 2022, at 20:00
The Ethics of Psychoanalysis
The seminar on the ethics of psychoanalysis marks a cut in Jacques Lacan's teaching, it is the seminar of a transgression of his previous teaching. Jacques-Alain Miller speaks of the third paradigm of enjoyment that Lacan develops here, the paradigm of an impossible jouissance, in other words an jouissance that is beyond the pleasure principle and beyond the chain of signifiers. This jouissance is real and refers to a field that lies closed off and cordoned off by boundaries before us. It is the field of Das Ding that the tragedy of human experience is written to reach. The ethics of psychoanalytic experience is oriented towards this Real.
How do we read this seminar today, when the cloth of the subject has become so thin? As the textile disappears, so does the text and the trauma of transgression to Das Ding emerges openly.
This evening is the first of several Field Evenings in this academic year dedicated to the various contributions from Cartell's work on Seminar VII.
Markus Zöchmeister
Karin Brunner: The social bond and the Ethics of Psychoanalysis
Paulina Tanterl: One flew over the cuckoo's egg
Claudia Gundacker: About the rectification of the subject
Bernhard Zarzer: Let Justice be done – On Apocalypse, satisfaction and the thing
Mabel Graiver: Vicissitudes of desire
Moderation: Elisabeth Müllner
The field evening will be held in English.
Field Evening
Questions about the Formation of the Analyst in the School
Field Evening on Zoom, 10.12.2021, 8.00 p.m.
We invite you to a field evening on the questions about the formation of the analyst that each of us faces in our own way.
"The discourse of the School is where the analytic community meets and gives testimony of its work and its products. (...) In our young group, it is the field evening that should fulfill this function..." [quoted from the text by Avi Rybnicki]
- The Field Evening and the Formation of the Analyst, Avi Rybnicki.
- Conversation about questions and problems in the formation of the analyst in Austria with Maja Geiling, Miriam Zorn, Martin Seibt, Jochen Hochreiter, Avi Rybnicki and the participants of the field evening.
Field Evening
! The Field Evening will take place online via zoom !
Freud summarizes in Beyond the Pleasure Principle: "Sex, then, would not be very old, and the violent impulses that want to bring about sexual union thereby repeat something that happened by chance once and has since been fixed as advantageous." Sex as a bipolar concept has ordered the world of the speaking being through several ages. Today it appears in fluid form that melts away. JAM in his text "Docile to Trans" speaks of a paradigm shift that describes the time spirit of today, a shift from "care" and "awareness" to the axiom of "separation" and he takes the "trans person" as a phenomenon of this shift. What does Trans interpret? What do we understand when we listen to this person, case by case? A transition? A transition towards a beyond, one beyond gender, one beyond the pleasure principle, or does this transition remain bound to the dichotomy of gender after all?
These and many other questions will be explored in this evening with contributions from a flush cartel on the question of trans.
Markus Zöchmeister
Field Evening
The other side...?
Almost two years ago, New Lacanian Field Austria – Initiative Vienna presented the German translation of Éric Laurent's The other side of Biopolitics – a writing for Jouissance. Since the evening Éric Laurent came to Vienna and worked with us, the biopolitical situation has radically changed. The name Corona has inscribed itself as a new marker on the speaking body. The Other, says Jacques-Alain Miller, is ultimately the body made to inscribe something.
A body event.
The speaking body, after all, bears witness to the fact that discourse inscribes itself on it as a social bond. The speaking body is a "socialized body" [1]
Eric Laurent writes: "The naming of new categories of disease patterns and patient groups is one of the competences of state biopolitics, which has the legal monopoly on the recognition of disorders of the suffering body. The social designations of what makes the body a victim bring to bear the beyond of the individual and must not be brought down to a personal meaning of enjoyment." [2]
And the other side…?
by Markus Zöchmeister
[1] Éric Laurent (2019): Die Kehrseite der Biopolitik. Eine Schrift für das Genießen. Wien-Berlin: Turia + Kant. S. 275. [transl. to English by SB]
[2] ebenda, S. 277.
Formation in Lacanian School
Presentation of the Teaching Forum at the NLFÖ - Initiative Vienna
Sarah Birgani: Crisis, Extime and the school
Markus Zöchmeister: Beyond the names of the father
Moderation : Norbert Leber
Language: German