Filtering by: “Seminar”
Seminar XI
to 11 Jan

Seminar XI

VPS on Lacan's Seminar, Book XI, The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis

Friday, 27.09. and Saturday, 28.09.2024 with Éric Zuliani and Avi Rybnicki

Friday, 10.01. and Saturday, 11.01.2025 with Carolina Koretzky, accompanied by Gil Caroz or Avi Rybnicki

Friday, 21.03 and Saturday, 22.03.2025 with Laura Sokolowsky, accompanied by Gil Caroz or Avi Rybnicki

Friday, 27.06. and Saturday, 28.06.2025 with Gil Caroz, accompanied by Avi Rybnicki

Meeting two of the VPS series on Lacan’s Seminar XI

Teachers: Carolina Koretzky,
accompanied by Avi Rybnicki or Gil Caroz



for the VP seminar The four fundamental concepts of psychoanalysis: € 640

Student price (up to 25 years): €400

The respective amount is to be transferred to the VPS account at:

Erste Bank

AT73 2011 1843 6061 9102


stating the intended purpose.

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Seminar XI
to 22 Mar

Seminar XI

VPS on Lacan's Seminar, Book XI, The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis

Friday, 27.09. and Saturday, 28.09.2024 with Éric Zuliani and Avi Rybnicki

Friday, 10.01. and Saturday, 11.01.2025 with Carolina Koretzky, accompanied by Gil Caroz or Avi Rybnicki

Friday, 21.03 and Saturday, 22.03.2025 with Laura Sokolowsky, accompanied by Gil Caroz or Avi Rybnicki

Friday, 27.06. and Saturday, 28.06.2025 with Gil Caroz, accompanied by Avi Rybnicki

Meeting three of the VPS series on Lacan’s Seminar XI

Teachers: Laura Sokolowsky,
accompanied by Avi Rybnicki or Gil Caroz



for the VP seminar The four fundamental concepts of psychoanalysis: € 640

Student price (up to 25 years): € 400,

The respective amount is to be transferred to the VPS account at:

Erste Bank

AT73 2011 1843 6061 9102


stating the intended purpose.

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Seminar XI
to 28 Jun

Seminar XI

VPS on Lacan’s Seminar, Book XI, The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis

Friday, 27.09. and Saturday, 28.09.2024 with Éric Zuliani and Avi Rybnicki

Friday, 10.01. and Saturday, 11.01.2025 with Carolina Koretzky, accompanied by Gil Caroz or Avi Rybnicki

Friday, 21.03 and Saturday, 22.03.2025 with Laura Sokolowsky, accompanied by Gil Caroz or Avi Rybnicki

Friday, 27.06. and Saturday, 28.06.2025 with Gil Caroz, accompanied by Avi Rybnicki

Meeting four of the VPS series on Lacan’s Seminar XI

Teachers: Gil Caroz
accompanied by Avi Rybnicki



for the VP seminar The four fundamental concepts of psychoanalysis: € 640

Student price (up to 25 years): € 400,

The respective amount is to be transferred to the VPS account at:

Erste Bank

AT73 2011 1843 6061 9102


stating the intended purpose.

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Seminar XI
to 28 Sept

Seminar XI

VPS on Lacan’s Seminar, Book XI, The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis

Friday, 27.09. and Saturday, 28.09.2024 with Éric Zuliani and Avi Rybnicki

Friday, 10.01. and Saturday, 11.01.2025 with Carolina Koretzky, accompanied by Gil Caroz or Avi Rybnicki

Friday, 21.03 and Saturday, 22.03.2025 with Laura Sokolowsky, accompanied by Gil Caroz or Avi Rybnicki

Friday, 27.06. and Saturday, 28.06.2025 with Gil Caroz, accompanied by Avi Rybnicki

Meeting one of the VPS series on Lacan’s Seminar XI

Teachers: Èric Zuliani, Avi Rybnicki


Attention: In addition to the completed registration, personal participation in the seminar block 1 on 27/28.09.2024 must be confirmed again on/by 06 September 2024!


for the VP seminar The four fundamental concepts of psychoanalysis: € 640

Student price (up to 25 years): € 400,

The respective amount is to be transferred to the VPS account at:

Erste Bank

AT73 2011 1843 6061 9102


stating the intended purpose.

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to 13 Jul


Part 3 of the VPS series "Anxiety"

Teachers: Lilia Mahjoub, Gil Caroz



In the 7th year of the VPS series on permanent formation, Seminar X by Jacques Lacan entitled "Anxiety" is the working basis.


Lilia Mahjoub

Gil Caroz



For individual bookers / regular


Booking of all three seminars

500€ regular

Account Details for the VPS

Erste Bank

View Event →
to 23 Mar


Part 2 of the VPS series "Anxiety"

Teacher: Lilia Mahjoub



In the 7th year of the VPS series on permanent formation, Seminar X by Jacques Lacan entitled "Anxiety" is the working basis.


Lilia Mahjoub



For individual bookers / regular


Booking of all three seminars

500€ regular

Account Details for the VPS

Erste Bank

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to 27 May


Part 3 of the VPS series "The Transference"

Teachers: François Leguil, Avi Rybnicki, Gil Caroz



In the sixth year of the VPS series on permanent formation, Seminar VIII by Jacques Lacan entitled "Transference" is the working basis.



Date, time

Friday 26 May 2023
20:00 – 22:00

Saturday 27 May 2023
9:00 – 18:00

Further seminars in this VPS series:

Part 1: November 25 and 26, 2022

Part 2: March 10 and 11, 2023


François Leguil

Avi Rybnicki

Gil Caroz

For individual bookers / regular


Booking of all three seminars

350€ regular

View Event →
to 11 Mar


Part 2 of the VPS series "The Transference"

Teachers: François Leguil, Avi Rybnicki, Gil Caroz



In the sixth year of the VPS series on permanent formation, Seminar VIII by Jacques Lacan entitled "Transference" is the working basis.

Date, time

Friday 10 March 2023
20:00 – 22:00

Saturday 11 March 2023
9:00 – 18:00

Further seminars in this VPS series:

Part 1: November 25 and 26, 2022

Part 3: May 26 and 27, 2023


François Leguil

Avi Rybnicki

For individual bookers / regular


Booking of all three seminars

350€ regular

View Event →
to 26 Nov


Part 1 of the VPS series "The Transference"

Teachers: François Leguil, Avi Rybnicki, Gil Caroz



In the sixth year of the VPS series on permanent formation, Seminar VIII by Jacques Lacan entitled "Transference" is the working basis.

François Leguil
VIENNE 2022 Novembre

« Au début de l’année 2022-2023, nos premières réunions de travail seront naturellement consacrées au commentaire du « Banquet » de Platon que Jacques Lacan propose à son auditoire. Ce commentaire, en effet, occupe un bon premier tiers de son huitième Séminaire consacré au transfert. Notre enjeu sera triple, sinon davantage.

Le premier sera d’essayer de montrer comment cette année de l’enseignement de Lacan prend sa place en poursuivant et approfondissant le « tournant » du Séminaire précédent consacré à « l’Ethique de la psychanalyse ». Nous serons sur ce point vigoureusement aidés par les élucidations offertes dans l’enseignement de Jacques-Alain Miller.

Nous devrons également étudier avec soin comment ces leçons sur le transfert ouvrent un nouveau chapitre en entamant ce que sera chez Lacan la découverte de l’objet de la psychanalyse.

Un autre enjeu reposera sur l’étonnant développement que Lacan offre à la question de l’amour, et sur ce qu’il en nomme la « métaphore ». Nous devrons reprendre à sa suite et pas à pas ce développement pour en montrer d’une part qu’il fait date dans l’histoire de la psychanalyse, en dévoilant pour la première fois le lien entre l’amour, le savoir et l’inconscient.

Dans ses leçons sur le transfert, Lacan se mesure à l’un des plus grands textes, l’un des plus antiques aussi bien, qui soit, à la naissance de l’histoire des idées : le « Banquet « de Platon. Nous n’aurons pas de mal à deviner que le bénéfice pour nous est admirablement prosaïque, actuel et fondamentalement clinique.

Ce n’est pas l’une des moindres raisons qui explique qu’après la disparition de l’inventeur de la psychanalyse, nous tenons l’enseignement de Lacan pour celui de son plus fidèle continuateur ; le plus fidèle, c’est-à-dire le plus véridique dans la subversion qu’introduit Freud dans la manière de penser ce qu’il en est  des sujets parlants. Travailler toutes ces questions dans sa ville, Vienne, donnera sans nul doute et suffisamment l’enthousiasme nécessaire à la découverte de ces multiples enjeux » .

Date, time

Friday 25 November 2022
20:00 - 22:00

Saturday 26 November 2022
9:00 - 18:00

Other Seminars of the VPS-series:

Part 2: March 10 and 11, 2023

Part 3: May 26 and 27, 2023


François Leguil

Avi Rybnicki

For individual bookers / regular


Booking of all three seminars

350€ regular

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VPS The Ethics in Psychoanalysis 3
to 25 Jun

VPS The Ethics in Psychoanalysis 3

Seminar 3
of the VPS series “The Ethics in Psychoanalysis”

Teachers: Lilia Mahjoub & Avi Rybnicki



In the fifth year of the VPS series on permanent formation, Seminar VII by Jacques Lacan entitled "Ethics in Psychoanalysis" is the working basis.


Programm PDF

Date, time

Friday, 24.06.2022
20.00 – 22.00

Saturday, 25.06.2022
9.00 – 18.00

Other Seminars of the VPS-series:
Seminar 1: 17. and 18.12.2021
Seminar 2: 24. and 25.06.2022


Lilia Mahjoub
Avi Rybnicki

Registration Seminar 2

For study package holders
I am a study package holder and register for seminar 3. I have already paid the costs for the seminar with the purchase of the study package.

For individual bookers / regular
I have not purchased a study package. I book the participation in seminar 3 regular bindingly and with costs. An invoice will be sent to my e-mail address.

For individual bookers / reduced
I have not purchased a study package and I book the participation in seminar 3 reduced bindingly and with costs. An invoice will be sent to my e-mail address.

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VPS The Ethics in Psychoanalysis 2
to 21 May

VPS The Ethics in Psychoanalysis 2

Seminar 2
of the VPS series “The Ethics in Psychoanalysis”

Teachers: Jérôme Lecaux, Laura Sokolowsky, Gil Caroz & Avi Rybnicki



In the fifth year of the VPS series on permanent formation, Seminar VII by Jacques Lacan entitled "Ethics in Psychoanalysis" is the working basis.


PDF Programme

Date, time

Friday, 20.05.2022
20.00 – 22.00

Saturday, 21.05.2022
9.00 – 18.00

Other Seminars of the VPS-series:
Seminar 1: 17. and 18.12.2021
Seminar 3: 24. and 25.06.2022


Jérôme Lecaux
Laura Sokolowsky
Gil Caroz
Avi Rybnicki

Registration Seminar 2

For study package holders
I am a study package holder and register for seminar 2. I have already paid the costs for the seminar with the purchase of the study package.

For individual bookers / regular
I have not purchased a study package. I book the participation in seminar 2 regular bindingly and with costs. An invoice will be sent to my e-mail address.

For individual bookers / reduced
I have not purchased a study package and I book the participation in seminar 2 reduced bindingly and with costs. An invoice will be sent to my e-mail address.

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VPS The Ethics in Psychoanalysis
to 18 Dec

VPS The Ethics in Psychoanalysis

Seminar 1
of the VPS series “The Ethics in Psychoanalysis”

Teachers: Bernard Seynhaeve, Gil Caroz & Avi Rybnicki 



In the fifth year of the VPS series on permanent formation, Seminar VII by Jacques Lacan entitled "Ethics in Psychoanalysis" is the working basis.

Date, time

Friday, 17.12.2021
20.00 – 22.00

Saturday, 18.12..2021
9.00 – 18.00

Other Seminars of the VPS-series:
Seminar 2: 20. and 21.05.2022
Seminar 3: 24. and 25.06.2022


Bernard Seynhaeve
Gil Caroz
Avi Rybnicki 

Registration Seminar 1

For study package holders
I am a study package holder and register for seminar 1. I have already paid the costs for the seminar with the purchase of the study package.

For individual bookers / regular
I have not purchased a study package. I book the participation in seminar 1 regular bindingly and with costs. An invoice will be sent to my e-mail address.

For individual bookers / reduced
I have not purchased a study package and I book the participation in seminar 1 reduced bindingly and with costs. An invoice will be sent to my e-mail address.

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